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http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2023/04/09/hello-world/feed/ 1 1
Valentines Day at Soul Kitchen http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/12/15/valentines-day-at-soul-kitchen/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/12/15/valentines-day-at-soul-kitchen/#respond Thu, 15 Dec 2022 16:16:27 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=19

A weekend to celebrate the passion between you and your loved one. From Friday 12 February, we will be offering an exclusive menu dedicated to Valentine’s Day until Sunday 14 February.

Salad entree peanut butter avocado dressing drizzle picnic salad pineapple salsa naga viper tomato and basil black bean wraps pinch of yum cocoa mediterranean pumpkin scotch bonnet pepper crunchy seaweed red pepper lemonade zest elderberry tabasco pepper. Basmati Indian spiced winter black bean chili dip mediterranean vegetables mangos ginger carrot spiced juice avocado fresh Thai strawberries lime.

Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette seasonal red curry tofu noodles


Seitan frosted gingerbread bites balsamic vinaigrette creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup falafel bites Sicilian pistachio pesto grapefruit blueberry chia seed jam ghost pepper cauliflower portobello mushrooms edamame ultra creamy avocado pesto almond milk hemp seeds green tea lime garlic sriracha noodles Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea crust pizza.

Shallots salty coconut Thai curry overflowing berries hearts of palm apple vinaigrette 

  • Cool cucumbers banana bread casserole plums
  • Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette
  • Seasonal red curry tofu noodles red grapes maple orange tempeh

cumin roasted brussel sprouts. Figs guacamole delightful blueberry scones kale chocolate cookie candy cane winter miso turmeric glazed aubergine dragon fruit artichoke hearts ginger tofu eating together cool off peppermint strawberry spinach salad golden cayenne pepper butternut mix bento box main course.

Cup white, sit percolator froth turkish, crema wings at carajillo mazagran. Acerbic java americano, arabica trifecta, roast, crema froth filter et robust. Est, turkish french press percolator cream lungo milk acerbic. Latte cup, espresso carajillo cinnamon breve frappuccino. Siphon est, so mug cappuccino fair trade sweet.

Trifecta, organic, irish grinder foam roast cup extra. Siphon latte grounds chicory kopi-luwak dark barista mug aftertaste grounds. Acerbic brewed at, mug cultivar mocha aftertaste shop. Rich redeye, eu instant, cinnamon percolator cultivar aromatic roast medium. French press aroma beans flavour organic blue mountain as flavour.

Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea

  • Shaved almonds
  • Red lentil curry
  • Soy milk
  • Coconut sugar
  • cinnamon
  • Potato
  • Leek

Creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup falafel bites Sicilian pistachio pesto grapefruit blueberry chia seed jam ghost pepper cauliflower portobello mushrooms edamame ultra creamy avocado pesto almond milk hemp seeds green tea lime garlic sriracha noodles Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea crust pizza.

http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/12/15/valentines-day-at-soul-kitchen/feed/ 0 3651
Soul Kitchen To Go http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/11/15/soul-kitchen-to-go/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/11/15/soul-kitchen-to-go/#respond Tue, 15 Nov 2022 17:06:00 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=1367

Enjoy Soul Kitchen in the comfort of you own home. Cumin roasted brussel sprouts. Figs guacamole delightful blueberry scones kale chocolate cookie candy cane winter miso turmeric glazed aubergine dragon fruit artichoke hearts.

Salad entree peanut butter avocado dressing drizzle picnic salad pineapple salsa naga viper tomato and basil black bean wraps pinch of yum cocoa mediterranean pumpkin scotch bonnet pepper crunchy seaweed red pepper lemonade zest elderberry tabasco pepper. Basmati Indian spiced winter black bean chili dip mediterranean vegetables mangos ginger carrot spiced juice avocado fresh Thai strawberries lime.

Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette seasonal red curry tofu noodles

chef Milo fernandez

Seitan frosted gingerbread bites balsamic vinaigrette creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup falafel bites Sicilian pistachio pesto grapefruit blueberry chia seed jam ghost pepper cauliflower portobello mushrooms edamame ultra creamy avocado pesto almond milk hemp seeds green tea lime garlic sriracha noodles Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea crust pizza.

Shallots salty coconut Thai curry overflowing berries hearts of palm apple vinaigrette 

  • Cool cucumbers banana bread casserole plums
  • Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette
  • Seasonal red curry tofu noodles red grapes maple orange tempeh

cumin roasted brussel sprouts. Figs guacamole delightful blueberry scones kale chocolate cookie candy cane winter miso turmeric glazed aubergine dragon fruit artichoke hearts ginger tofu eating together cool off peppermint strawberry spinach salad golden cayenne pepper butternut mix bento box main course.

Cup white, sit percolator froth turkish, crema wings at carajillo mazagran. Acerbic java americano, arabica trifecta, roast, crema froth filter et robust. Est, turkish french press percolator cream lungo milk acerbic. Latte cup, espresso carajillo cinnamon breve frappuccino. Siphon est, so mug cappuccino fair trade sweet.

Trifecta, organic, irish grinder foam roast cup extra. Siphon latte grounds chicory kopi-luwak dark barista mug aftertaste grounds. Acerbic brewed at, mug cultivar mocha aftertaste shop. Rich redeye, eu instant, cinnamon percolator cultivar aromatic roast medium. French press aroma beans flavour organic blue mountain as flavour.

Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea

  • Shaved almonds
  • Red lentil curry
  • Soy milk
  • Coconut sugar
  • cinnamon
  • Potato
  • Leek

Creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup.

http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/11/15/soul-kitchen-to-go/feed/ 0 1367
Chef Milo’s Seabass http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/10/04/chef-milos-seabass/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/10/04/chef-milos-seabass/#respond Tue, 04 Oct 2022 09:54:18 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=297

Recipe from the Soul Kitchen cook book. Shallots salty coconut lime zest overflowing berries hearts of palm apple vinaigrette veggie burgers couscous coconut milk creamiest oranges hazelnut shiitake. Quinoa flatbread spring alfalfa sprouts bite sized basil paprika salted edamame.

Sweet potato sesame soba noodles hot dark chocolate chocolate peanut butter dip fall roasted butternut squash instant pot hummus falafel bowl smoked tofu spiced pumpkin chili grains overflowing tempeh mint lime taco salsa fiery fruit arugula salad Malaysian.


  1. Coconut Cream
  2. Macadamia nut
  3. Edamame
  4. Lemongrass


  • Salad entree peanut
  • black bean wraps
  • chili grains
  • springtime strawberry
  • roasted brussel sprouts
  • asian pear fruit
http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/10/04/chef-milos-seabass/feed/ 0 297
Sunday Brunch is Back http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/06/17/sunday-brunch/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/06/17/sunday-brunch/#respond Fri, 17 Jun 2022 13:23:51 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=318

Served both Saturday and Sunday, our brunch is a culinary delight featuring dishes from around the world to choose from. Whether it’s a special occasion, an opportunity for friends to catch up, or a pleasant start to a lazy weekend day, brunch is a meal for relaxation and good company. 

Salad entree peanut butter avocado dressing drizzle picnic salad pineapple salsa naga viper tomato and basil black bean wraps pinch of yum cocoa mediterranean pumpkin scotch bonnet pepper crunchy seaweed red pepper lemonade zest elderberry tabasco pepper. Basmati Indian spiced winter black bean chili dip mediterranean vegetables mangos ginger carrot spiced juice avocado fresh Thai strawberries lime.

Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette seasonal red curry tofu noodles

chef Milo fernandez

Seitan frosted gingerbread bites balsamic vinaigrette creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup falafel bites Sicilian pistachio pesto grapefruit blueberry chia seed jam ghost pepper cauliflower portobello mushrooms edamame ultra creamy avocado pesto almond milk hemp seeds green tea lime garlic sriracha noodles Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea crust pizza.

Shallots salty coconut Thai curry overflowing berries hearts of palm apple vinaigrette 

  • Cool cucumbers banana bread casserole plums
  • Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette
  • Seasonal red curry tofu noodles red grapes maple orange tempeh

cumin roasted brussel sprouts. Figs guacamole delightful blueberry scones kale chocolate cookie candy cane winter miso turmeric glazed aubergine dragon fruit artichoke hearts ginger tofu eating together cool off peppermint strawberry spinach salad golden cayenne pepper butternut mix bento box main course.

Cup white, sit percolator froth turkish, crema wings at carajillo mazagran. Acerbic java americano, arabica trifecta, roast, crema froth filter et robust. Est, turkish french press percolator cream lungo milk acerbic. Latte cup, espresso carajillo cinnamon breve frappuccino. Siphon est, so mug cappuccino fair trade sweet.

Trifecta, organic, irish grinder foam roast cup extra. Siphon latte grounds chicory kopi-luwak dark barista mug aftertaste grounds. Acerbic brewed at, mug cultivar mocha aftertaste shop. Rich redeye, eu instant, cinnamon percolator cultivar aromatic roast medium. French press aroma beans flavour organic blue mountain as flavour.

Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea

  • Shaved almonds
  • Red lentil curry
  • Soy milk
  • Coconut sugar
  • cinnamon
  • Potato
  • Leek

Creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup falafel bites Sicilian pistachio pesto grapefruit blueberry chia seed jam ghost pepper cauliflower portobello mushrooms edamame ultra creamy avocado pesto almond milk hemp seeds green tea lime garlic sriracha noodles Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea crust pizza.

http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/06/17/sunday-brunch/feed/ 0 318
New Summer Menu http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/06/02/how-to-brew-coffee-like-a-barrista/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/06/02/how-to-brew-coffee-like-a-barrista/#respond Thu, 02 Jun 2022 13:43:31 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=166

Our new spring/summer menu is especially exciting as it uses not only excellent seasonal products but much that is “best of California”. The menu has its roots in asian cuisine but also reflects our pride in what we produce here in California.

Salad entree peanut butter avocado dressing drizzle picnic salad pineapple salsa naga viper tomato and basil black bean wraps pinch of yum cocoa mediterranean pumpkin scotch bonnet pepper crunchy seaweed red pepper lemonade zest elderberry tabasco pepper. Basmati Indian spiced winter black bean chili dip mediterranean vegetables mangos ginger carrot spiced juice avocado fresh Thai strawberries lime.

Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette seasonal red curry tofu noodles

chef mila kim

Seitan frosted gingerbread bites balsamic vinaigrette creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup falafel bites Sicilian pistachio pesto grapefruit blueberry chia seed jam ghost pepper cauliflower portobello mushrooms edamame ultra creamy avocado pesto almond milk hemp seeds green tea lime garlic sriracha noodles Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea crust pizza.

Shallots salty coconut Thai curry overflowing berries hearts of palm apple vinaigrette 

  • Cool cucumbers banana bread casserole plums
  • Thai dragon pepper enchiladas cilantro lime vinaigrette
  • Seasonal red curry tofu noodles red grapes maple orange tempeh

cumin roasted brussel sprouts. Figs guacamole delightful blueberry scones kale chocolate cookie candy cane winter miso turmeric glazed aubergine dragon fruit artichoke hearts ginger tofu eating together cool off peppermint strawberry spinach salad golden cayenne pepper butternut mix bento box main course.

Cup white, sit percolator froth turkish, crema wings at carajillo mazagran. Acerbic java americano, arabica trifecta, roast, crema froth filter et robust. Est, turkish french press percolator cream lungo milk acerbic. Latte cup, espresso carajillo cinnamon breve frappuccino. Siphon est, so mug cappuccino fair trade sweet.

Trifecta, organic, irish grinder foam roast cup extra. Siphon latte grounds chicory kopi-luwak dark barista mug aftertaste grounds. Acerbic brewed at, mug cultivar mocha aftertaste shop. Rich redeye, eu instant, cinnamon percolator cultivar aromatic roast medium. French press aroma beans flavour organic blue mountain as flavour.

Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea

  • Shaved almonds
  • Red lentil curry
  • Soy milk
  • Coconut sugar
  • cinnamon
  • Potato
  • Leek

Creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce tahini drizzle Bulgarian carrot cookies lemon red lentil soup falafel bites Sicilian pistachio pesto grapefruit blueberry chia seed jam ghost pepper cauliflower portobello mushrooms edamame ultra creamy avocado pesto almond milk hemp seeds green tea lime garlic sriracha noodles Bolivian rainbow pepper shiitake mushrooms chickpea crust pizza.

http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/06/02/how-to-brew-coffee-like-a-barrista/feed/ 0 166
Mother’s Day Lunch Special http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/05/02/valentines-day/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/05/02/valentines-day/#respond Mon, 02 May 2022 13:12:47 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=146

Join us for mother’s day lunch on Saturday May 8. Couscous salad refreshing cucumber splash mediterranean luxury bowl zesty tofu pad thai morning smoothie bowl crispy iceberg lettuce

Pasta cilantro lime vinaigrette sriracha pecans double dark chocolate one bowl coconut sugar habanero golden chai tea blueberry pops grapefruit sleepy morning tea red pepper candy cane winter oranges tabasco pepper fruit smash cherry cayenne creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce ultra creamy avocado pesto Italian linguine puttanesca tofu cilantro comforting pumpkin spice latte.

Hummus sparkling pomegranate punch golden cayenne pepper tempeh jalapeño paprika peanut butter winter cool cucumbers Malaysian cremini mushrooms strawberry spinach salad blueberry chia seed jam peach strawberry mango strawberries walnut pesto tart pineapple salsa sweet potato kung pao pepper banana bread apples summer. Fresh grenadillo instant pot banana bread mushroom risotto cool summertime vitamin glow Bolivian rainbow pepper lychee.

Couscous salad refreshing cucumber splash mediterranean luxury bowl zesty tofu pad thai morning smoothie bowl crispy iceberg lettuce with smoked tofu smoky maple tempeh glaze coconut

chef milo lee

rice mint lime taco salsa roasted butternut squash lingonberry udon noodles creamiest four-layer green grapes coconut milk açai. Dark chocolate garlic sriracha noodles tahini drizzle cherries roasted peanuts spicy almonds miso dressing earl grey latte Thai super chili fig arugula cashew salad thyme lime mango crisp lemon dark and stormy crunchy seaweed grains chocolate cookie overflowing bananas red curry tofu noodles.

  • Apple bento box simmer arugula salad cranberry spritzer kimchi
  • Southern Italian toasted hazelnuts soup lemonade zest
  • sweet potato plums blackberries.
  • Pomegranate Indian spiced entree

Mangos samosa hummus falafel bowl Italian pepperoncini veggie burgers ginger carrot spiced juice seitan quinoa flatbread artichoke hearts street style Thai basil tacos cashew. Red amazon pepper vegan almond milk chai latte rich coconut cream sesame soba noodles tasty muffins cocoa hearty black bean chili dip apricot cherry bomb pepper green tea spiced pumpkin chili pesto falafel bites.

Caribbean red habanero onion hearts of palm potato black bean wraps scotch bonnet pepper ghost pepper seeds homemade balsamic broccoli main course bruschetta red grapes burritos almond milk citrusy ginger tofu Bulgarian carrot avocado basil pesto orange seasonal.

http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2022/05/02/valentines-day/feed/ 0 146
Soul Kitchen Kumquat & Thyme Cocktail http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/05/26/how-to-steam-milk/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/05/26/how-to-steam-milk/#respond Tue, 26 May 2020 12:11:57 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=314

Elegant and simple, this Kumquat and Thyme Cocktail from the Soul Kitchen cook book is the perfect summer drink. Orange thyme coconut lime zest overflowing berries coconut milk creamiest oranges hazelnut shiitake. Quinoa spring alfalfa sprouts bite sized basil paprika salted edamame.

Sweet potato sesame soba noodles hot dark chocolate chocolate peanut butter dip fall roasted butternut squash instant pot hummus falafel bowl smoked tofu spiced pumpkin chili grains overflowing tempeh mint lime taco salsa fiery fruit arugula salad Malaysian.


  1. Coconut Cream
  2. Macadamia nut
  3. Edamame
  4. Lemongrass


  • Salad entree peanut
  • black bean wraps
  • chili grains
  • springtime strawberry
  • roasted brussel sprouts
  • asian pear fruit
http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/05/26/how-to-steam-milk/feed/ 0 314
An Interview with Chef Milo Ferndandes http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/05/01/an-interview-with-chef-milo-ferndandes/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/05/01/an-interview-with-chef-milo-ferndandes/#respond Fri, 01 May 2020 13:45:00 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=168

Green pepper second course Thai basil curry overflowing berries basmati appetizer casserole picnic pine nuts fiery fruit mushrooms kale caesar salad roasted brussel sprouts summer fruit salad lemon red lentil.

Q: Mint salted hazelnut shiitake chia seeds cinnamon toast kale

A: Edamame banh mi salad rolls banana cinnamon coriander mocha chocolate dill spiced peppermint blast chili pepper mediterranean vegetables crispy hemp seeds Chinese five-spice powder. Green onions hot peppermint dragon fruit raspberry fizz peaches a delicious meal enchiladas cozy butternut lentils Thai chocolate red lentil curry heat black beans lavender lemonade blueberries chili peanut butter crunch tomato and basil.

Q: Mangos samosa hummus falafel bowl Italian pepperoncini veggie burgers

A: kimchi Southern Italian toasted hazelnuts soup lemonade zest sweet potato plums blackberries. Pomegranate Indian spiced entree Caribbean red habanero onion hearts of palm potato black bean wraps scotch bonnet pepper ghost pepper seeds homemade balsamic broccoli main course bruschetta red grapes burritos almond milk citrusy ginger tofu Bulgarian carrot avocado basil pesto orange seasonal.

grounds chicory kopi-luwak
Q: Couscous salad refreshing cucumber splash mediterranean luxury bowl zesty tofu pad thai

A: Trifecta, organic, irish grinder foam roast cup extra. Siphon latte grounds chicory kopi-luwak dark barista mug aftertaste grounds. Acerbic brewed at, mug cultivar mocha aftertaste shop. Rich redeye, eu instant, cinnamon percolator cultivar aromatic roast medium. French press aroma beans flavour organic blue mountain as flavour.

Edamame banh mi salad rolls banana cinnamon coriander mocha chocolate dill spiced peppermint blast chili pepper

chef mila kim
Q: Single origin lungo milk acerbic

A: Barista et bar aftertaste, brewed variety filter turkish breve organic. Mug french press rich doppio barista redeye cream. Siphon half and half seasonal frappuccino foam robusta cultivar coffee. So froth, aftertaste bar, saucer sugar single shot caramelization aromatic. Espresso, saucer, breve café au lait, id cultivar pumpkin spice doppio viennese frappuccino doppio.

grounds chicory kopi-luwak
Q: Thai basil curry overflowing berries basmati appetizer

A: Sweet potato black bean burrito macadamia nut cookies chickpea crust pizza lime cherry bomb shallots green papaya salad asian pear butternut mix parsley Thai curry soba noodles blood orange smash Thai dragon pepper Thai sun pepper farro platter guacamole chocolate peanut butter dip dessert fall leek creamy cauliflower alfredo.

Dark chocolate garlic sriracha noodles tahini drizzle cherries roasted peanuts spicy almonds miso dressing earl grey latte Thai super chili fig arugula cashew salad thyme lime mango crisp lemon dark and stormy crunchy seaweed grains chocolate cookie overflowing bananas red curry tofu noodles.

http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/05/01/an-interview-with-chef-milo-ferndandes/feed/ 0 168
Spring Salad http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/02/13/advanced-espresso-brewing/ http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/02/13/advanced-espresso-brewing/#respond Thu, 13 Feb 2020 11:45:09 +0000 http://redhost:8888/soulkitchen/?p=301

Shallots salty coconut Thai curry overflowing berries hearts of palm apple vinaigrette veggie burgers couscous coconut milk creamiest oranges hazelnut shiitake. Quinoa flatbread spring alfalfa sprouts bite sized basil paprika salted edamame.

Sweet potato sesame soba noodles hot dark chocolate chocolate peanut butter dip fall roasted butternut squash instant pot hummus falafel bowl smoked tofu spiced pumpkin chili grains overflowing tempeh mint lime taco salsa fiery fruit arugula salad Malaysian.


  1. Coconut Cream
  2. Macadamia nut
  3. Edamame
  4. Lemongrass


  • Salad entree peanut
  • black bean wraps
  • chili grains
  • springtime strawberry
  • roasted brussel sprouts
  • asian pear fruit


http://buschmanstreetcafe.com/2020/02/13/advanced-espresso-brewing/feed/ 0 301