Buschman Street Cafe
Newman-Buschman Railroad Historic District
The Late 1800s
The mill burned in 1893, and the site was acquired by the J.J. Newman Lumber Company, which began operations there in 1895. The next year, Fenwick Peck, an “aggressive Scranton, Pennsylvania lumberman,” joined forces with the Newman Company, providing new capital and leadership.
The new company developed a corporate community, constructing dwellings for executives and workers and structures for offices and support services, such as carpenter, machine and blacksmith shops. This private city supplied its own electricity, water system and fire protection.
Hattiesburg Growth
And, another, who said, “Oh, yes. They just cut it. They had a mill running day and night – a big mill down there and it would run day and night. (They) just cut off the timber. Well, people sold it because they didn’t know any better.”
The company did serve, in the opinion of many, however, as the catalyst for the explosive growth and prosperity Hattiesburg experienced in the early part of the 20th century.
A fusion of Purposes
At 803 Newman Street is a company structure that represents a fusion of purposes. This structure was designed to serve as home for the mill manager and as an entertainment facility (guesthouse) for corporate guests.
On the lot next to this dwelling once stood the Newman Company Corporate Office Building. Even after the building was removed, the safe – big enough to shelter a vehicle – remained on site as a fitting remnant perhaps of the office of what was once one of the country’s most productive mills.
The Pennsylvania company and a number of other lumbering interests provided early lessons in resource management. The wife of the Newman corporate attorney was asked, “Did you realize what they were doing at the time they were cutting it (the virgin timber)?”
“No,” she replied, “we didn’t, and they didn’t realize either. Nobody seemed to realize it. If they had, they wouldn’t have done it like they did. Virgin pine is the prettiest stuff in the world when you see it, but you don’t see it anymore.”
Other surviving residences of this district include several once-identical Neo-classical cottages lining Buschman Street between Elm and Plum streets. Some Victorian and Colonial Revival cottages – most of them altered – remain on Newman Street. Several large structures that have served as boarding houses…remain near the depot, although a number of boarding houses that once lined Newman Street are lost.
The 1910 Hattiesburg Depot, one of the most architecturally significant buildings in the city, is now owned by the City of Hattiesburg and has undergone compete rehabilitation for use as a Multi-Modal Transportation Center and event space.
First Baptist Church, now on West Pine Street, was originally located on the corner of Main and Buschman streets (site of Town Square Park). The church was organized in 1884.
-From Historic Hattiesburg: The History and Architecture of Hattiesburg’s First Neighborhoods, City of Hattiesburg, 1990.